Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6
King of Kings Children’s Ministries shares the love of Jesus with those 5th grade and younger. Children are engaged in learning about the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, various seasonal activities and their annual presentation of the Christmas story.
Children’s Sermon
Each worship service includes a Children’s Sermon that invites all children—toddler through 5th grade—to make their way to the front of the church where they will join our pastors on the floor for a short sermon. Our pastors engage the youngest of worshipers in language and story they can understand, followed by a “big prayer clap” and prayer. The children return to their seats with a piece of paper and a drawing challenge to work on during the adult sermon. Each of the kids are invited back later in the service to give their drawing as an offering to God. Attendance is optional.
Sunday School
Toddlers through 5th grade - meets Sunday mornings at 9:30am, lower level commons
King of Kings’ Sunday School provides a weekly Christ-centered education to help parents bring up their children in the knowledge of Jesus through God’s Word. Lessons encourage children to grow in their faith through song, Bible stories and by teaching them to share the love of God with others.
Sunday School is held every Sunday morning at 9:30am, except holiday weekends. All children gather in the lower-level commons area located at the south end of the building. We start each lesson with a short opening with song and prayer before children disperse to classrooms for age-appropriate Bible lessons and activities. Parents of our young friends are invited to stay with their child for the short opening and then participate in our Parent Bible Study.
- Toddlers/preschool: Mrs. Greene’s Classroom
- K/1: Timothy Room
- 2/3 Grades: Music Room
- 4/5 Grades: Amos Room
Early Learning Center
King of Kings ELC is an outreach ministry of the church, offering preschool and pre-K classes to children ages 3-5 years old. Teachers prepare children for kindergarten through reading readiness, math fundamentals, STEM enrichment, art, music and play. Additionally, the ELC provides a spiritual foundation for each child through Bible stories, prayer and weekly chapel – making Jesus the center of each day at school.
- Half-day and Full Day Class Options
- Before & After School Care
- Weekly Summer Camps
Learn more
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS is held each year at King of Kings for toddlers through 5th graders. VBS includes Bible stories, games, crafts and lots of outside activities.
2023 VBS
2024 VBS - information coming soon!
Children’s Christmas Program
The Christmas Story is told year after year by the parish children in our annual Children’s Christmas Program. The program is held the second Sunday of each year at our 10:30am service.
Community Events
King of Kings hosts a variety of community-wide family and children’s events throughout the year, sharing the love of Christ with our community.
- Easter Eggstravaganza
- Trunk-or-Treat
- Breakfast in Bethlehem